Here it can be indicated to which door the lift is assigned to. It is possible to assign up to 4 doors to a
single display.
Load sensor settings
flexyPage displays can assess the information of a CANopen-Lift load sensor and show it on the screen,
using a widget (see
). To enable the display to show correct data, some information of
the lift must be set:
The overload limit of the lift in kg.
Full load
The full load limit of the lift in kg.
Minimum load
The minimum load of the lift in kg.
The tara value of the lift car, if this is not automatically given by the sensor.
Position settings
The flexyPage display can use the data of the elevator car position sensor and generate messages.
Therefore, it is necessary to set some parameter of the sensor.
The number of measure points per revolution.
The length of the circumference of the disc or the distance in millimeters to which the disc has
moved with reference to the preset measurement points.
The offset of the position sensor in millimeters that arises due to the existing pit and because
the calibration was not set to zero. The value will be automatically set after the learning drive.
Floor positions
Learning drive
© ELFIN Technology GmbH | flexyPage displays user manual | version 2.1.x | 2022-06