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EA Elektro-Automatik GmbH
Helmholtzstr. 31-37 • 41747 Viersen
Fon: +49 2162 / 3785-0
Fax: +49 2162 / 16230
EL 9000 B 15U/24U Series
5.2.2 Firmware updates
Firmware updates should only be installed when they can eliminate existing bugs in the firm
ware in the device or contain new features.
The firmware of the control panel (HMI) of the master unit, of the communication units (KE) of all units and the digital
controllers (DR), also of all units, can be updated via the rear side USB ports, if necessary. For this the software
EA Power Control
” is needed which is included with the cabinet on USB stick or is available as download from
our website together with the firmware update.
It is recommended to keep the firmwares of all units in the cabinet at the same versions.