Luno5 light switch manual
Light sensor
” this input is used for the connection of an additional light intensity sensor. The additional intensity sensor can
be bought separately as additional equipment. The additional sensor needs to be connected when the Luno5 device is located
outside a room where the lights need to be turned on. The connection of an additional light intensity sensor in a room solves the
problem of proper measurement in regards to light intensity. Connections need to be made in a manner shown in figure 19. The
best quality of measurement is achieved when the light intensity sensor is directed towards a window inside the supervised room.
When connecting an additional light sensor, the user needs to cover the default Luno5 light sensor e.g. by a dark sticker. If a
supervised room is always dark (no windows) and requires lights, even during the day,
then you don’t need an additional light
sensor. You should, however, correct the level of the light intensity sensor by regulation (fig. 1), turning it left so light be on
regardless of lightness level.
Door opening sensor
– The connection of this sensor enables quicker operation in dark rooms with no windows like a
bathroom or basement. The light will be turned on after opening doors leading to those rooms. After opening doors the light will be
on for a few seconds and the Luno5 will be waiting for the user to
walk inside. If the user walks in during this period then the lights
stay on until the user leaves. If no-one walks in then after a few seconds the lights will be turned off automatically. The door
opening sensor (contact) is attached or can be bought via
as additional equipment.
The manner of an additional door opening sensor connection is shown in figures 20 and 21. The contact sensor needs to be
placed on the door frame, preferably in an upper part of the frame from the hinge side. Magnets that cooperate with the sensor
need to be placed on the door so after its closed, it will be located near the contact sensor. Properly mounted magnet and sensor
cause lights on for 4 seconds after opening the doors that give time for entering the room.
Fig. 20. The connection of contact door opening sensor. Fig. 21. Installation of door opening sensor
"+5V power supply
”. This input is provided for optional positive conductor from an additional 5V power supply. A negative
conductor needs to be connected to clamp no 2 "chassis
”. The power supply is needed when the electric box has no neutral
conductor. One 5V/1A power supply can power up to 10 Luno5 devices. The Luno5 device can be powered by 5 (+/- 5%) stabilized
voltage and at least 0.1A stream (e.g. cell power supply). Clamps 1 and 2 can be also used as output for a 5V power supply. It
enables a connection of a power supply (0.75mm
cable) to the other Luno5 switch that is mounted inside an electrical box with no
neutral conductor.
Fig. 22. The connection of 5V supply to the Luno5 device
Fig 23. The connection of the additional contactor for
use if there’s no neutral conductor in electric box).
steering over 500W power lighting.
Connecting high-powered bulbs.
there’s need of steering lighting that has power larger than the given 500W parameters for traditional light sources (filament
bulbs) and 100W for other light sources like glow lamps or LEDs then light management needs to be done with the use of an
additional contactor connected according to figure 23.