Luno5 light switch manual
„ ”
– enables manual reset of certain active functions and register of the Luno5 that stores information about the
number of people in the room. The function is useful when set to the correct number of people in the room in case device displays
the wrong number of people.
„ ”
- enables manual setting (increasing by 1) Luno5 register that stores the information about the number of
people in the room. The function can be useful during installation of the switch in situations when we set to the base number of
people in the room or if device displays the wrong number. Each press increases people register by 1.
enables switching between device modes -
(illuminated display with a number of people in the room)
(dark display with a number of people and illuminated hand symbol). Each press changes mode to the opposite one.
When the red hand is illuminated the device does not turn the light on/off automatically in respect of the number of people walking
in and out. Simultaneous illumination of hand symbol and people display sets night blockage of the switch and will turn off when
the day starts and the switch will light. In this mode, you can turn the light on and off manually
”– a
short push results in turning lights on and off, overpasses the number of people in the room and the level
of light intensity. Illumination of light part of the border around button informs the user about light(s) being turned on.
Holding pushed button down for 1.5 second results in turning the function of 30-second or 3-minute wait for automatic switching
lights off in the room on. During the countdown, hand symbol flashes to remind the user that light will be turned off. This function
is useful when the user(s) are going to sleep. When the light(s) go off, the switch blockage goes on to prevent the switch from
turning on when someone incidentally comes into the room. To turn off blockage push the button
„ ” again. The blockage also
will be turned off automatically after dawn when the light intensity sensor senses light. The function of turning lights off after 3
minutes is useful when the switch is installed in the bathroom. It can extend the time of fan operation. The amount of time can be
changed, see; "Programming
” on page 9
Device is made out of two major parts: 1) unit that needs to be put inside a standard electrical box of a 60mm diameter (device
view can be found on fig. 1-2) and 2) motion direction sensors that need to be put on (or inside of) door frame (sensor view can be
found in fig. 3). Motion sensors need to be mounted on the entrance of the door at both sides of the door frame in manner showed
in fig. 8.
Fig. 2. Rear view of Luno5 after disconnection of wires.
Fig. 3. View of motion sensors.
Steering unit is intended to be mounted inside an electric box and
shouldn’t be put inside humid or wet rooms like a bathroom. It
should be mounted at a height that prevents children from tampering with the device. Steering unit should be put and assembled in
an electric box in a proper and stable manner.
Steering unit can be found in fig. 1. It contains following elements:
- light intensity sensor that turns lights on automatically only when the room is not lighted enough,
- register that displays the current number of people in the room,
- buttons
that allow changing number of people manually,
- button
that changes switch modes (manual / automatic), useful for manual operation.