Luno5 light switch manual
Sensors placed on opposite sides of door frame are connected by two wires. It is recommended to put this wire on the upper
side, above doors e.g. by placing it inside the door frame. As the need arises it is possible to cut the wire that connects the sensors
and make it shorter or longer e.g. by cutting it and rejoining it with an optional section of wire. While cutting wire you need to
remember about the proper polarity of the wires. The inverse connection will preclude the device from functioning.
Sensors placed on both sides of doors checks the direction of people moving and tries to analyze and ignore small objects to
eliminate failures. Sensors send steering unit information about the number of entering and leaving people. After device and
sensor installation you need to set the proper parameters of the sensors to function by a short push of
„ ” button. If direction
sensors are properly assembled and not covered then the device screen brightness will be decreased.
The accuracy of the sensors assembly needs to be checked by a simultaneous push of
„ ” and „ ” buttons. After pushing them
you need to release the
„ ” button and keep pushing „ ”. If the display flashes 1 or alternatively 2, it means that the sensors are
properly assembled. If it displays 3, 4 or 5, it means that the sensors are inaccurately placed against each other. The less accurate
way of checking the sensors proper assembly is the inspection of a stable glow of four red indicator lights located in the controller's
upper right corner (after the removal of the devices front panel). If any indicator is down or fading then the direction sensors are
placed inaccurately.
Fig 11. Checking the proper sensor assembly with four red LEDs.
If the device is equipped with an additional contact door opening sensor (fig. 14a) then it needs to be put near the doors in a
manner described in chapter 6 "additio
nal options” in regard to picture 20 and 21. After the assembly of this element, the light will
be turned on earlier
– already after the door is opened. If there’s dark in the room then after the door opens, the light will be turned
on for four seconds. When the user enters the room, the light will stay on. This way of light steering is useful especially when we
are entering dark rooms with no windows. If a room has few separate lighting circuits that separately steers particular lamps then it
is recommended that the user installs a regular light switch next to the Luno5 e.g. in the manner shown in fig. 12 or fig. 13
Fig.12 Example of the Luno5 connection with a double lighting circuit. One circuit is steered automatically, the other manually if