Luno5 light switch manual
if any remote e.g. TV placed towards them that causes flashing of the red LEDs. If it does then check permanence of the wire
connecting the sensors on both sides of doors and check sensor placement. If this gives no results then order a device repair.
Problem 7:
The device often miscounts people inside the room and unnecessarily turns the lights on/off in spite the number of people inside
the room?
The device tries to detect and count people that walk by sensors as far as possible but sometimes it can be wrong. There can be
a situation that the device miscounts people in a situation e.g. when one person carries long objects like clothes on hangers what
can be treated as the entering of two people. The device will be also wrong when you enter the room carrying baby and two
separate people leave it.
Sensors usually correctly count two people passing through the door when they go in opposite directions. In a case when two
users go in the same direction and enter the room simultaneously next to each other, then the
device can’t tell if the room was
entered by one or two people. In such a case the device will count only one person. Therefore you need to avoid two people
walking through doors together and next to each other or relocating in direct closeness without keeping over a dozen centimeter
distance between people. To minimize the number of miscounts, it is recommended to turn functions "
children” and no 8 off – if
they’re not needed (see "Programming” chapter).
In order to set proper parameters of the device to work, uncover the direction sensors and push the "
” button. If this does not
solve your problem, then please check if the proper placement of the direction sensors. It can be confirmed by the stable light of
four red LEDs described in (problem 6). LEDs should lit stable and fully fade during walking between the sensors. You can also
check the accuracy of sensors installed by mutually pushing the
„ ” and „ ” buttons. After pushing, release „ ” button and keep
pushing the
„ ” button. If the display flashes with a digit of 1, 2 or 3 (3-worse parameters) it means that the sensors are properly
mounted. Improper placement of sensors can cause miscounts. Improper placement of sensors can be indicated by self-acting
periodical illumination of the device display. If the sensors are placed properly the display illuminates only when someone walks
next to sensors or when one of the device buttons is pushed. The height of the placement of the upper or bottom direction sensors
also has an influence on the accuracy of people counting. In the case of any problems, it is highly recommended to try different
heights of upper or bottom sensors. Some direction sensors have white stickers on their fronts that decrease their sensitivity. This
sticker should stay on if sensors are placed next to each other in distance smaller than 1 m and should be taken off with bigger
To solve miscounts problems you can also connect the PIR motion sensor to Luno5 device in the manner described in chapter 6
"additional options
”. The motion sensor can be bought on:
Motion sensors significantly decrease the number of
people miscount
– if they occur.
9. Additional information
Manufacturer reserves rights to implement technical changes in the product that can be not included in this manual. Manual can
be copied and circulated only with manufacturer approval.
According to current legislations, we inform that nonoperational electric or electronic device cannot be disposed of together with
household waste. These devices need to be returned in the outlet or utilized in accredited or municipal waste treatment plant. You
need to obey current laws. In the case of questions and doubts regarding utilization contact nearest utilization plant. All packaging
needs to be utilized in an environment-friendly manner.