E93.1001EN.C Manual CD
Important technical warnings and guidelines
For FAULT CODES in this manual see
Ch. 16
on page
The EHS Domestic Hot Water systems will, for a long period, comfortably meet your requirement of hot water of
the right temperature at the right hour, provided that a few important conditions have been fulfilled regarding the
Please follow all instructions and recommendations presented in this manual by EHS, especially the ones con-
cerning the next important topics:
Water quality (also see § 8.1 on page 38)
A first necessary condition is the quality of the water to be heated in the DHW water heater. Three values
matter: hardness, total amount of dissolved solids and acidity. If water quality does NOT meet the requirements
the system may be seriously damaged in time!
Hardness should not exceed 205 PPM CaCO
TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) should not exceed 450 PPM
Hardness and TDS together may not exceed 450 PPM
pH value should be between 6,5 and 7,5, measured cold
The actual values can be retrieved at your local water supplier.
If water quality doesn’t meet the abovementioned requirements, a water treatment installation should be in-
stalled to improve water quality to the required levels, if possible.
Water flow velocity and pump selection (see § 9.7 on page 50)
For a given combination of water heaters and tanks, pump selection is very important with respect to the
required flow velocity.
EHS has done the calculations and provides a number of tables in which you can find the right pump type
suitable for your particular installation.
Water flow velocity and piping diameters and lengths (see § 9.5 from page 47 on)
The arguments that hold for pump selection, hold for piping design as well: all piping components added up
are giving a certain total resistance which should not exceed a critical value at which the pump cannot realize
the required flow velocity anymore.
EHS has done the calculations and provides a number of tables in which you can find the piping requirements
suitable for your particular installation.
Following the instructions and recommendations given in the referred paragraphs will highly improve the function-
ing and considerably lengthen the life time of your EHS DHW system.
Furthermore, for all EHS appliances the next instructions and recommendations apply:
Never use aluminium or aluminium containing flue gas outlet
Always fill the siphon before commissioning the water heater
Always set the gas valves during commissioning the water heater, for the first time and after maintenance
and/or installation changes
Never change the parameters P2LC, P2LD, P2ML and P5BI
Never place a ball valve between the safety valve and the water heater
In a log, keep track of all situations regarding the appliance:
what, when, by whom, what actions and/or changes, what communication has been performed