E93.1001EN.C Manual CD
Display message
F l u e
t e m p
t o o
h i g h
p u m p
o n
9 9 9 , 5
h r s
Flue gas temperature exceeded 3 times limitation value within
a certain period.
Heat exchanger polluted and not able to transfer enough heat to system water.
Corrective action:
Check and clean heat exchanger.
Bad flue gas sensor or sensor connection (partly shorted).
Corrective action:
The sensor is of the type NTC. This means if the temperature rises, the resistance low-
ers. A partly shorted sensor will drop its resistance and therefore 'measure' a raise in tem-
perature when actually there is none.
Check for moist in the sensor connections or replace sensor.
There is no water in the unit while firing.
Corrective action:
This is an unlikely situation while all the safeties for checking the water presence didn't
detect anything. Only a lot of air in the system/unit (under pressure) can cause the water
pressure switch to switch while no water is present. Also the water leak detection
did not react. Bleed all air from the unit so the heat from combustion can be transferred to
the water and won't disappear through the flue system.
Heat exchanger failure.
Corrective action:
This is an unlikely situation but when there is severe damage to the heat exchanger, the
combustion product will not be able to transfer all heat to the system water. The heat that
is not transferred will convert to an increased flue gas temperature.
Display message
p r o g r a m m i n g
e n d
p u m p
o n
9 9 9 , 5
h r s
Programming of the parameters completed successfully.
Programming of the parameters completed successfully.
Corrective action:
This message occurs to confirm the end of programming. Pressing RESET will return the
unit in normal operating status.
Display message
P a r a m / H a r d w
f a u l t
p u m p
o n
9 9 9 , 5
h r s
Failure during programming of the parameters.
Programming of the parameters NOT successfully completed
Corrective action:
Unit is not in standby mode (fan must not run during programming).
Check programming wire and connections and try again.
Check if the software complies with the PCB.
Replace the programming wire.
Replace the display PCB.
Display message
R e
u r n h i g h T e m p
p u m p o n 9 9 9 ,
5 h r s
Maximum return temperature exceeds limit value.
Systems that pre-heats the water heater return temperature too much/high.
Corrective Action:
Reduce pre heat temperature of external heat source.
The need for heat in the system suddenly drops causing hot return water to the heater.
Corrective Action:
Dampen external heating system control to prevent sudden heater temperature rise.