E93.1001EN.C Manual CD
Schornsteinfeger function
The following graphs describe how to use the Schornsteinfeger function.
NOTICE: This function is required for Germany and can be activated by parameter (P5 BK).
The standard factory setting for this function is “OFF”.
The purpose of this function is to have an easy interface for the "Schorn-
steinfegers" in Germany, to be able to do their required testing on the wa-
ter heater. This is a simplified function similar to the normal service function
of the water heater.
When the "Schornsteinfeger" button is pressed for 3 seconds:
the heater will fire at
minimum firing rate (%)
In this state the display shows:
F l u e
s e r v i c e
m o d e
P o w e r
M i n i m u m
When the button is pressed (briefly) again:
the heater will fire at
50% firing rate
In this state the display shows:
F l u e
s e r v i c e
m o d e
P o w e r
5 0 %
When the button is pressed (briefly) again:
the heater will fire at
maximum firing rate (%)
In this state the display shows:
F l u e
s e r v i c e
m o d e
P o w e r
M a x i m u m
When the button is pressed briefly again:
the heater will return to the normal operation mode.
The "Schornsteinfeger" function is switched off.
When the heater is burning during Schornsteinfeger function
(when top display line shows "Flue service mode") and no button
is pressed for 12 minutes, the water heater will return automati-
cally to the normal operation mode. The "Schornsteinfeger" func-
tion will be switched off.
The "Schornsteinfeger function" can be activated for the user by
programming a parameter (P5 BK)
All regular temperature safety controls remain active and the wa-
ter heater pump and system pump are running.