P a g e
E850 E678 Instructions |
current as of May 2015 | Version 3
All information supplied by
Ecco Stove
is a trade mark of Landy Vent UK Limited copyright©EccoStove2015
Ecco Stove
| Foster House
| 2 Redditch Road,
B80 7AX, United Kingdom
| +44 (0)1527 857 814
| www.eccostove.com
Patent pending USA, Canada, Europe & Russia | UK Patent nos: 2467433 & 2498883
Regular maintenance of the stove is in part related to rope seals. Seals between the sections are factory
fitted and may remain in place without maintenance unless the appliance is stripped and moved, at
which time all compressive seals between sections must be replaced with like for like diameter rope or
flat tape as fitted to the stove at the time of its construction.
Door/ash pit/cleaning plug and hob cleaning plug seals should be replaced when showing signs of wear
or every two years whichever comes first. Rope seals are not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
For the first three to five firings your stove will produce what would appear to be toxic fumes and is
often mistaken for smoke leaking out of the appliance. This is just the paint curing onto the appliance.
Please ensure that the room is adequately ventilated and allow the smoke to dissipate in due
course without adding more fuel at that time.
If the paint finish should change colour due to mis-use or over heating you should approach
your Ecco Stove dealer who will provide you with spray aerosol paint in the appropriate colour
to make a paint repair.
The Ecco Stove is produced from a self coloured material and as such variations in colour and texture of
that material may be evident but adding to the uniqueness of the product, unless ordered as a pre-
factory painted or as ready for paint on site finish to co-ordinate with home decor.
Your Ecco Stove has three systems of air inlets for combustion but only one adjustable user control for
ease of use (being the ash pit drawer). All other air inlets are fixed and non adjustable.
MODEL 850 and 678
The aerated back plates provide tertiary air from a permanently open air inlet at the back of the stove.
This air supply has no facility for being closed and is set permanently open.
Tertiary air is introduced to put the level of the air wash/baffle to re-combust volatiles before they exit
unburnt into the double pass flue ways and chimney flue.