P a g e
E850 E678 Instructions |
current as of May 2015 | Version 3
All information supplied by
Ecco Stove
is a trade mark of Landy Vent UK Limited copyright©EccoStove2015
Ecco Stove
| Foster House
| 2 Redditch Road,
B80 7AX, United Kingdom
| +44 (0)1527 857 814
| www.eccostove.com
Patent pending USA, Canada, Europe & Russia | UK Patent nos: 2467433 & 2498883
Door section should now be lowered over the sides until it sits firmly and
squarely onto the bottom section. Seals must be fitted (10mm round
rope) into the groove down left and right hand sides and across the grate
section to enable the door frame to seal onto.
Model 678
The ‘T’ shaped joint seal/trim onto the top horizontal face ready
for the next section to hold in place. This seal butts up to the door
frame left and right. (Middle trim for Model 850 top trim for
Model 678)
Ha. Model 850 Position the steel baffle assembly with the shaped
curve pointing down and as close to the glass of the door as
possible. No fixings should be used to ensure it can be replaced
without dismantling the stove.
Model 678 steel baffle has air tubes linking it to the vermiculite
pre-drilled back boards to introduce hot air to mix with the air
wash/secondary burn process. The rear section of the steel baffle
must sit into the stoves back panel and house the vermiculite
back boards in front of its half box section.
odel 678
Model 850