P a g e
E850 E678 Instructions |
current as of May 2015 | Version 3
All information supplied by
Ecco Stove
is a trade mark of Landy Vent UK Limited copyright©EccoStove2015
Ecco Stove
| Foster House
| 2 Redditch Road,
B80 7AX, United Kingdom
| +44 (0)1527 857 814
| www.eccostove.com
Patent pending USA, Canada, Europe & Russia | UK Patent nos: 2467433 & 2498883
GLOSSARY: The Company = Landy Vent UK Limited: The Purchaser = the individual or Company the
product is sold to: The Product = The Ecco Stove.
Please read your user instructions to ensure that you get the best from your Ecco Stove. Operating it
properly is essential for this type of appliance to get the correct results. Always ask for help if you are
2. Warranty Conditions
This warranty becomes effective only after the following:-
The product has been installed by a recognised in Country registered installer for its type: e.g. HETAS in
the UK. The product must be initially operated in line with the operation manual.
The product must be built in line with the operation / assembly manual (see especial regard to chimney
draught). The registration form must be completed and returned to the Company within 21 days of
installation (see last page).
This warranty is void if the appliance is stripped and re-assembled.
3. Warranty Period
Silicon Carbide parts are warranted for 10 years from the date of purchase (the date purchased from the
Company). Surface/hairline cracks internally to the appliance, provided component parts remain intact,
are deemed acceptable with Silicon Carbides initial curing initially.
Cast iron parts are warranted for 3 years against defect which may make them unusable in normal
operation. Steel parts are warranted for 2 years against defect which may make them unusable in
context. Baffle plates, vermiculite parts; grate bars; glass and rope seals are considered consumables
and not covered by this warranty.