P a g e
E850 E678 Instructions |
current as of May 2015 | Version 3
All information supplied by
Ecco Stove
is a trade mark of Landy Vent UK Limited copyright©EccoStove2015
Ecco Stove
| Foster House
| 2 Redditch Road,
B80 7AX, United Kingdom
| +44 (0)1527 857 814
| www.eccostove.com
Patent pending USA, Canada, Europe & Russia | UK Patent nos: 2467433 & 2498883
Under no circumstances should the Ecco Stove be connected directly to clay linings within chimneys,
unless those clay liners have a hot face lining fitted within, in order to reduce condensation within the
chimney flue.
20. CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE Models 850 and 678
Flue ways within the Ecco Stove should be cleaned two monthly in continuous combustion for
which the stove should be let out (not burning).
Cleaning access points are located on the stoves top surface (4 hot plates) which must be lifted
vertically to access the vertical flue ways (2 each side).
After brushing down (and up) the deposits can be scraped or vacuumed out by removing the
cleaning plugs located on the front of the bottom section (2 discs).
The first section of flue pipe vertically off the appliances top flue outlet MUST include a flue
cleaning access.
Clean down through this into the stoves top; brush along the top flue chamber beneath the flue
outlet and vacuum out that chamber by sliding a flexible vac hose to left and right.
Seasonal Use.
During a period when the stove will not be fired for example, during the summer period, leave the ash
pit door open, 2mm, to minimise condensation build up within the stove. Clean the flue ways as
described in the previous paragraphs (20. Cleaning and Maintenance) and clean out both the ashtray
and fire box. You may oil the outer paint surface with a light mist of releasing oil, similar to WD40 and
leave for the next heating season.
Check the rear back baffle boards and replace if cracked or broken.
Check all seals are fixed firmly in place on the door; ash pit front and cleaning plugs.
Remove and or clean above the steel gull wing baffle plate in the top of the firebox.
Ensure the chimney flue and stove pipe are swept early summer time or after stoves shut down
for the summer.
Oil the door hinges and door catch mechanism all in readiness for the new heating season.
Adverse flue conditions (downdraught or pressurisation) will result in poor performance; door
glass blackening and sooting in the flue ways. Such conditions
be rectified by improving
flue performance immediately. Clean any tar/deposits off the door glass.
Repairs or replacements must be carried out by a competent engineer.
Flueways are accessed by removing the cleaning plugs at a+ b + c + d and brushing vertically with the
flue brush provided.