P a g e
E850 E678 Instructions |
current as of May 2015 | Version 3
All information supplied by
Ecco Stove
is a trade mark of Landy Vent UK Limited copyright©EccoStove2015
Ecco Stove
| Foster House
| 2 Redditch Road,
B80 7AX, United Kingdom
| +44 (0)1527 857 814
| www.eccostove.com
Patent pending USA, Canada, Europe & Russia | UK Patent nos: 2467433 & 2498883
After cleaning vertically and horizontally the cleaning plugs at the front of base should be
removed and cleaned out with a vacuum cleaner or suction hose.
Lastly remove the gull wing baffle at top of fire chamber and shake off – slide the whole
assembly toward the rear of the stove and then left or right to drop down. Re-instate in reverse
Always check the flue is clear after a prolonged period of shutdown or non use.
Plugs must always be re-fitted firmly in place before lighting or whilst running the Ecco Stove.
The firebox door and ash pit door should remain closed at all times other than re-fuelling (See
lighting and refuelling instructions)
The Grate should be de-ashed by raking through the fire box door to ensure combustion air can
flow through the grate bars (only carry out these works when the stove is not alight).
The door glass may be cleaned of either grey transparent fly ash deposits or tar deposits from its
inner surface with a proprietary glass cleaner available from your retailer.
The stove is now ready for re-use after all cleaning plugs have been re-fitted.
Paint finishes on your Ecco Stove may produce a heavy chemical smell for a number of initial firings from
being newly painted.
You may colour co-ordinate your Ecco Stove by painting its outer surfaces with non oil based or non-
flammable paints. (Certain paints may discolour however).
Model 850
The Ecco Stove is delivered in 9 main structural parts being bottom section* grate section; left sides;
right sides; back section; lower front top section; lower back top section and upper top section* .
Model 678
The Ecco Stove is delivered in 7 main structural parts: bottom section, grate section, left and right sides,
back section, baffle brick and top section.
Secondary points are two rear baffles (Vermiculite); vermiculite spacer blocks; one fixed front grate
plug. Two slide in vermiculite flueway dividers for left and right sides (Model 850 only); one cast iron