DIP SW-A. No.1
In case of observing pump running status with RS232C
communication port, Data Length can be selected out of
7bits and 8bits.
DIP SW-A. No.2
Sets the monitoring mode for the cooling water and N2:
“Always” or “During operation only.”
In the mode “During operation only” for the cooling water, the
monitoring continues for 15 minutes after operation stop for
cooling the pump.
It is recommended that N2 purge should be continuously
active during operation stoppage to reduce by-product
accumulation and corrosion in the pump.
DIP SW-A. No. 3
dip switch-A No. 3 lets you select whether an acoustic alarm
(buzzer) should be sounded or not when a
WARNING/ALARM signal has been generated.
DIP SW-A. No. 4
When the toggle switch is moved from the LOCAL to the
REMOTE position, dip switch-A No.4 lets you select "PUMP
START/STOP in Response to External Start Signal
(According to Signal)" or "PUMP STOP Regardless of
External Signal (PUMP STOP)".
[ NOTE ]
Dip switch-A No.3 (BUZZER) and toggle for select Local / Remote
switch can change always.
When parameter setting of the dip switches, other than dip switch-A
No.3 (BUZZER), is performed, the LCD controller counts down 10
seconds, the same as at the power on state, right after the
completion of the parameter setting.
DIP SW-A. No. 5
Dip switch-A No. 5 lets you select "ALTERNATE Signal
(START Signal ON/OFF)" or "MOMENTARY Signal (2 types
of signal: ON or OFF)" for pump start and stop under external
signal control.
[ NOTE ]
When there is no special interface for ESA , you cannot select
"MOMENTARY Signal “. When there is the special interface for ESA ,
you can select "MOMENTARY Signal “or "ALTERNATE Signal ".