1. Introduction
i-on40 & i-onEX Range
Page 10
A guard can only unset the system when it is in alarm, reset it, and
then set the system again. A guard cannot change their own access code
or add/remove another user. In a partitioned system the guard can be
allocated to one or more partitions, which are the only parts of the system
that they can set and unset.
Set Only
This type of user can set the system, but not unset it. A set only
user cannot change their access code or add/delete another user. In a
partitioned system a Set Only user can be allocated to one or more
partitions, which are the only parts of the system that the user can set.
For details on how to add and remove users see page 39 .
Identifying Users
The control unit identifies each user internally by a unique number. The
number is in the range 01 to 49 for the i-on30EX and i-on40, 001 to 099 for
the i-on50, and 001 to 499 for the i-on160EX. When a Master User or
Administrator adds or edits other users the keypad shows user numbers as
“User nnn”, for example “User 001” or “User 23”.
To help Master Users and Administrators identify other users the control
unit allows each user to have a 12 character name. The Master User or
Administrator keys in the name when adding the user to the system. If a
user has a name on the system, then the control unit shows that name on
the keypad when the Administrator is looking at the log. If the user does not
have a name, then the keypad shows the user number instead.
There are also some “special” users with numbers above the normal range
– see page 57.
Note that the User number is not the same as the access code, see below.
Access to the System
To operate the system a user must identify themselves, either by entering a
valid access code on the keypad or by presenting a proximity tag to the
front of the keypad (see page 11).
Access code and proximity tag act as unique identifiers for each user, and
may be used interchangeably at any time.
Access Codes
In a Security Grade 2 system access codes are four digits long, providing a
total of 10,000 different codes, running from “0000” to “9999”. In a Security