User Manual
Effective December 2017
415U Condor-long-range
wireless I/O and gateway
Register Number
—The register number relates the DNP3 I/O
point to the register location within the device. You can determine
the DNP3 point index of an I/O point by subtracting the base
register number for that type of register. For example, the
DNP3 point index for analog input #4 (register number 30004)
is 30004 – 30001 = 3.
Register type
Base index
Binary Input
Binary Output
Analog Input
Analog Output
Binary inputs and binary outputs
You can select which discrete input registers and output registers
appear in the DNP3 point list. Discrete inputs appear in the 415U
memory map in the range 10001–19999. Discrete outputs are in
the 415U memory map in the range 1–9999. Use the Add, Edit, and
Delete buttons to edit the list.
To configure binary inputs or binary outputs, click the option under
DNP3 in the project tree.
Figure 69. Binary inputs and binary outputs
DNP3 Index
This is the DNP3 point index used to access the I/O data from the DNP3 master device.
The I/O point register in the 415U-2 device. For a detailed description, see “I/O configuration” on
page 44
Select the register by name from the drop-down menu in the Edit dialog box, or click the
button to list all
registers by number.
Polling Class
See “I/O configuration” on
page 44
Counter inputs
Counter inputs appear in the 415U address map in the range
36001–37999. Configure counter inputs in the DNP3 point list the
same as you would digital inputs and digital outputs. For counters,
you need to specify a dead band parameter in addition to a register
number and polling class.
To configure counter inputs, click the Counters option under
the project tree.