UPS 225 - 275 kVA/300kVAPF0.8
Revision E
User’s and Installation Guide
1.2.9 Energy Saver and High Alert modes
The Variable Module Management System and Energy Saver System modes are mutually
Energy Saver mode allows the UPS to operate in Bypass mode. In this mode, the UPS is operating on
bypass, with the UPMs in standby, ready to automatically transfer to Normal mode if a commercial
electrical power brownout, blackout, overvoltage, undervoltage, or out-of-tolerance frequency
condition occurs. In High Alert mode the unit transfers from Energy Saver mode to Normal mode
(inverter online) or if in Normal mode remains in Normal mode for a default time period of one hour. The
High Alert mode time period is configurable by an Eaton Customer Service Engineer. The High Alert
mode allows the user to place the unit online with full protection when outside conditions could cause
a power disturbance. At the end of the time period, the unit defaults back to Energy Saver mode. If the
High Alert mode is reactivated during the time period, the timer will be restarted.
1.2.10 Variable Module Management System and High Alert modes
The Variable Module Management System and Energy Saver System modes are mutually
The Variable Module Management System (VMMS) mode maintains UPM redundancy and achieves
higher efficiencies by intelligently controlling the UPM’s load level. The efficiency rating for each UPM
is highest when loads are greater than 50% of its rating. Therefore, shifting the load to fewer UPMs
can achieve higher efficiencies when the UPS load is lighter.
In VMMS mode, the UPS is actively monitoring the critical bus and UPMs are available to assume load
in less than 2 ms to respond to load changes.
The VMMS feature has three configurable modes of operation: Online mode, Online mode with
VMMS, and High Alert mode. All modes are selectable from the front panel.
VMMS mode supports both distributed bypass and SBM parallel configurations.
In High Alert mode, all idle UPMs go online for one hour. At the end of the hour, the UPS defaults back
to VMMS mode. If the High Alert mode is reactivated during the one hour, the one hour timer will be
1.2.11 Optional X-Slot cards
The optional X-Slot cards support several protocols, such as SNMP, HTTP, AS/400®, and Modbus®. See
Chapter 8: “Communication” for additional information.
1.3 Basic system configurations
The following basic UPS system configurations are possible:
Single UPS with one UPM and two to four battery cabinets for the UPM