Control Horn and Servo Arm Settings
The table to the right shows the factory settings for the control horns and servo
arms. These settings, in conjunction with the low rate transmitter settings, are
intended for the fi rst time pilot through the intermediate level pilot to help ensure a
successful fl ight.
Fly the aircraft at these factory settings before making changes. After fl ying, or for
advanced level pilots you may choose to adjust the linkage positions to increase
control response.
Factory Settings
Control Horns
Servo Arms
Center of Gravity (CG)
The CG location is measured from the leading edge of the wing at the root. This CG
location has been determined with the recommended Li-Po battery
(SPMX40006S50) installed in the middle of the battery compartment.
back from leading edge at
the root.
During your fi rst fl ight, trim the aircraft for level fl ight at 3/4 throttle with fl aps and
gear up. Make small trim adjustments with your transmitter’s trim switches to
straighten the aircraft’s fl ight path.
After adjusting trim do not touch the control sticks for 3 seconds. This allows the
receiver to learn the correct settings to optimize AS3X performance.
Failure to do so could affect fl ight performance.
3 Seconds
In Flight Trimming