Embedded Solutions
Page 11
Address Map
// PMC Parallel TTL definitions
#define pmcparttl_BASE
0x0000 // 0 PMC Parallel TTL base control register offset
#define pmcparttl_ID
0x0004 // 1 PMC Parallel TTL ID Register offset
#define pmcparttl_STATUS
0x0008 // 2 PMC Parallel TTL status Register offset
#define pmcparttl_DirL
0x000c // 3 PMC Parallel TTL Direction lower Register offset
#define pmcparttl_DirU
0x0010 // 4 PMC Parallel TTL Direction upper Register offset
#define pmcparttl_DatL
0x0014 // 5 PMC Parallel TTL Data lower Register, line data read
#define pmcparttl_DatU
0x0018 // 6 PMC Parallel TTL Data upper Register, line data read
#define pmcparttl_DatLreg
0x001c // 7 PMC Parallel TTL Data lower Register read-back
#define pmcparttl_DatUreg
0x0020 // 8 PMC Parallel TTL Data upper Register read-back
#define pmcparttl_COSclk
0x0024 // 9 PMC Parallel TTL COS Clock definition Register
//#define spare
0x0028 // 10 PMC Parallel TTL
#define pmcparttl_RisLreg
0x002c // 11 PMC Parallel TTL Rising lower Register
#define pmcparttl_RisUreg
0x0030 // 12 PMC Parallel TTL Rising upper Register
#define pmcparttl_FallLreg
0x0034 // 13 PMC Parallel TTL Falling lower Register
#define pmcparttl_FallUreg
0x0038 // 14 PMC Parallel TTL Falling upper Register
#define pmcparttl_IntRisLreg
0x003c // 15 PMC Parallel TTL Interrupt Enable Rising lower Register
#define pmcparttl_IntRisUreg
0x0040 // 16 PMC Parallel TTL Interrupt Enable Rising upper Register
#define pmcparttl_IntFallLreg
0x0044 // 17 PMC Parallel TTL Interrupt Enable Falling lower Register
#define pmcparttl_IntFallUreg
0x0048 // 18 PMC Parallel TTL Interrupt Enable Falling upper Register
#define pmcparttl_IntRisLstat
0x004c // 19 PMC Par TTL Interrupt Rising LWR Stat Rd, write = clear
#define pmcparttl_IntRisUstat
0x0050 // 20 PMC Par TTL Interrupt Rising UPR Stat Rd, write = clear
#define pmcparttl_IntFallLstat
0x0054 // 21 PMC Par TTL Interrupt Falling LWR Stat Rd, write = clear
#define pmcparttl_IntFallUstat
0x0058 // 22 PMC Par TTL Interrupt Falling UPR Stat Rd, write = clear
Figure 3
PMC-PARALLEL-TTL Internal Address Map
The address map provided is for the local decoding performed within PMC-Parallel-TTL.
The addresses are all offsets from a base address. The carrier board that the PMC is
installed into provides the base address. Dynamic Engineering prefers a long-word
oriented approach because it is more consistent across platforms.
The map is presented with the #define style to allow cutting and pasting into many
compilers “include” files.
The host system will search the PCI bus to find the assets installed during power-on
initialization. The VendorId = 0x10EE and the CardId = 0x2C for the PMC-Parallel-TTL.