Hardware and Software Design • Manufacturing Services
page 14
Reset_0 when 0 resets the FE Xilinx devices (4). When ‘1’ enables the FE Xilinx devices.
Reset_1 when 0 resets the input FIFOs (16). When ‘1’ enables the Input FIFOs. The FIFOs must be enabled then
reset then re-enabled as part of initialization. The clock selection should be to PCI clock for this operation. Please
refer to the FE Xilinx description for more details. The Input FIFOs must be reset after the FE devices are enabled
to prevent spurious writes to the FIFO when the FE device starts up.
Reset_2 when 0 resets the Latch Xilinx devices (2). When ‘1’ enables the Latch Xilinx devices.
Reset_3 when 0 resets the Address Generator Xilinx devices (2). When ‘1’ enables the Address Generator Xilinx
Reset_4 when 0 resets the Output FIFO devices (4). When ‘1’ enables the Output FIFO devices. The FIFOs must be
enabled then reset then re-enabled as part of initialization. The Output FIFOs must be reset after the Latch devices
are enabled to prevent spurious writes to the FIFO when the Latch Xilinx starts up.
Int En X. When set (‘1’) and the corresponding Done bit is received, the interrupt to the host is asserted via the
PLX device. The PLX will also have to be enabled to cause an interrupt. The master interrupt within the DMA
Xilinx will need to be enabled. Clear the interrupt by clearing the done bit or masking off with the enable. Until the
done bit is cleared do not re-enable the interrupt source.
Interrupt master en when 1 enables the DMA Xilinx to assert an interrupt request to the PLX chip and in turn to
the PCI bus. The PLX chip has a bi-directional interrupt request line which must be programmed to be an input
before setting the Interrupt master en. A logic conflict will exist if the PLX device is not properly programmed.
Default is ‘0’.
Force Int when ‘1’ will cause an interrupt to be set. Also requires Interrupt Master enable and PLX interrupt
enable. Useful for software debugging and test purposes. Clear by setting low.
READ_EN_STD when ‘1’ enables the read state-machine in standard mode. The State Machine will poll the empty