Maintenance Manual for DUKE TSC Proofer
Oven with Touch Screen Controls
To aid in reporting this unit in case of loss or theft, please record below the model number and
serial number located on the unit. We also suggest you record all the information listed and retain for
future reference.
custoMer AssistAnce
MoDel nuMBer:
seriAl nuMBer:
DAte of PurchAse:
to Access internet:
Please provide the following information when you write or call: model number, serial number, date of
purchase, your complete mailing address (including zip code), and description of the problem.
uK & irelAnD
Duke Mfg uK
Duke house
unit 10, Greendale Business Park
woodbury salterton
Devon - uK eX5 1ew
tel: 01395 234140
fAX: 01395 234154
for wArrAntY, PArts & service:
north AMericA & lAtin AMericA
Duke Manufacturing company
2305 n. Broadway
st. louis, Mo 63102
Phone: 314-231-1130
toll free: 1-800-735-3853
fax: 314-231-5074
Asia Office
#1905 19f first trade tower
#985 Dong fang road Pudong
shanghai 200122 china
Phone: 86 21 6876 9272
continentAl euroPe
EU Headquarter Office
Duke Manufacturing
cr s.r.o. vitavska 219,
stechovice 25207
Phone: +420 257-741-033