2 Video matrices
Issue 4
Page 2.3 - 3
should be connected to the video unit. If control cables are not supplied see
‘ connection for remote control below.
Connection for married operation:
Connect all units in daisy-chain fashion via either of the 9 way ‘ D’ type male
connector at the rear of the unit using 4C014 married cable or a cable made up of
‘ D’ type female connectors connected in parallel as below. When a video and
audio Routemaster(s) are married, the video unit acts as the master. Remote or local
control should be connected to the video unit. If being married to other
component levels ensure the unit designated Y/G is connected appropriately so
that sync is derived from the correct level.
Connection for remote control:
16x4 & 16x8 video Routemasters can be controlled by a 5S2935 button-per-
crosspoint control panel for each output, by 5SX4100 XY panels or by a mixture
of both.
When using only the 5S2935 16 button-per-crosspoint control panels
Control panels are connected to Routemasters using the female 9 way ‘ D’ type
connector on the rear of the unit. Use control cable 4C009, which is available in a
variety of lengths from 10 to 50 metres. (Alternatively a control cable can be made
from a 9 way ‘ D’ type male and 15 way ‘ D’ type female using the connections
given below. Note that screened cable must be used, with the screen connected to
the shell of the ‘ D’ type connectors at both ends to meet EMC requirements.)