The Date/Time screen will now appear you can choose to
display the time using a 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock.
5. Turn SCROLL & SELECT Dial on the unit or
on the remote control to select 12 or
24. Then press OK.
To connect your radio to your router using the WPS button follow the instructions
below (Connecting Using the WPS button on your Router).
To connect your radio to your router using your password follow the instructions
on the next page (Connecting Using Your Wireless Network Password).
Date / Time
12/24 hour format
Auto update
Update from DAB
Update from FM
Update from network
No update
Set timezone
UTC +00:00 Dublin, lon *
UTC +00:30:
UTC +01:00 Madrid, Amste
UTC +01:30
UTC +02:00 Athens, Cairo
Daylight saving
Daylight savings
Network settings
Keep network connected?
Push button
Skip WPS >
The AUTO UPDATE screen will now appear, here you can choose
where you would like the time and date to be updated from.
6. Turn SCROLL & SELECT Dial on the unit or press
on the
remote control to select UPDATE FROM DAB, UPDATE FROM
FM or UPDATE FROM NETWORK (the internet). Then press
If you chose to ‘Update from network’ the SET TIMEZONE screen
will now appear, here you can choose your time zone. If you
chose ‘Update from DAB or FM’ go to step 7.
7. Turn SCROLL & SELECT Dial on the unit or press
on the
remote control to select your desired time zone. Then press
The DAYLIGHT SAVINGS screen will now appear,
here you can choose if the set daylight saving ON
or OFF.
8. Turn SCROLL & SELECT Dial on the unit or
on the remote control to select ON or
OFF. Then press OK.
9. To Enable Spotify playback in non-internet
modes (i.e. DAB radio, FM radio, Bluetooth
and Aux in) and STANDBY mode, select YES
and then press OK. Select NO and then press
OK to keep network disconnected.
Your radio will now scan for your wireless network, this may
take a few seconds then a list of all the wireless networks will
appear on the screen.
10. Turn SCROLL & SELECT Dial on the unit or press
on the
remote control to select your wireless network. Then press
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