PC1510 Version 4.1
Maintenance Alarms and Restorals
Page 12
For automatic test code reporting, time between reports (in days) must be specified in Section [17], and time of
day for the report must be entered in Section [19].
Low Battery Alarm
AC Fail Alarm
Fuse Failure Alarm
Low Battery Restore
AC Fail Restore
Fuse Failure Restore
Automatic Test Code
Zone Definitions
Page 12
When defining zones, assign delay zones first to zones 1,2,3..., then assign the other zone types to the
remaining zones in any order desired.
0 0
Zone 1
0 1
Zone 2
0 1
Zone 3
0 2
Zone 4
0 2
Zone 5
0 8
Zone 6
First Digit
Second Digit
0 = Slow, Audible
0 = Standard Delay
1 = Slow, Silent
1 = Instant
2 = Fast, Audible
2 = Interior
3 = Fast, Silent
3 = Interior, Home-Away
4 = 24 Hour Bell
5 = 24 Hour Bell/Buzzer
6 = 24 Hour Buzzer
7 = Aux. Delay (Uses Auxiliary
Entry/Exit Times)
8 = Fire•
• Any
zone may be set as a FIRE zone.
1st System Option Code
Page 13
Zone Light ON
Zone Light OFF
Zone Light 1
Communicator disabled
Communicator enabled
Zone Light 2
TX limit to 24 hour period
TX limit to armed period
Zone Light 3
Alarm display while armed
No alarm display while armed
Zone Light 4
DTMF dialling
Pulse dialling
Zone Light 5
N.C. loops (except fire)
EOL resistor loops
Zone Light 6
Keypad [P]anic audible (bell)
Keypad [P]anic silent (bell)