[309] SMS Retry Counter
Default 000F Hex
0000 - 0005 = 5 seconds
0006-FFFE = 6 to 65534 Seconds
FFFF = Use Default of 15 seconds (000F Hex)
[311] - [318] SMS Phone Number 1 - 8
This section may be programmed through
DLS IV or the keypad.
[321] - [328] SMS Phone Number 1 - 8
Toggle Options
|____| [1] SMS Notification Alarm/Restore
Default (OFF)
|____| [2] SMS Notification Tamper/Restore
Default (OFF)
|____| [3] SMS Notification Opening/Closing
Default (OFF)
|____| [4] SMS Notification System Mainte-
nance Default (OFF)
|____| [5] SMS Notification System Test
Default (OFF)
|____| [6] SMS Notification Internal Events
Default (OFF)
|____| [7] SMS Notification Enabled Default
|____| [8] SMS Command and Control Enabled
Default (ON)
Default (Stay Arm);
Send this command to the system to stay
Default (Away Arm);
Send this command to the system to away
Default (Night Arm);
Send this command to the system to night
Default (Disarm);
Send this command to the system to night
[605] - [608] Activate Command
Output 1 - 4
Default (Activate Command Output n);
Send this command to the system to activate
a command output.
[609] - [612] Deactivate Command
Output 1 - 4
Default (Deactivate Command Output n);
Send this command to the system to
deactivate a command output.
Default (Bypass);
Send this command to the system to bypass a
Default (Unbypass);
Send this command to the system to
unbypass a Zone.
[615] Status Request
Default (Status Request);
Send this command to request the status of
the system.
Default (Alarm Memory Request);
Send this command to request the alarm
memory from the system.
Default (Help);
Access Code is not required.
Default (Keypad Message);
[Account Label] _______________________
[Date and Time] _______________________
[SMS Function] _______________________
[Response] ___________________________
[Message Text]________________________
Default (Successful);
Example: “stay armed successful.”