[4] Reserved Default ( )
[5] SMS Character Format Default.
ON: SMS Unicode, maximum message length is 70 characters.
OFF: 7 bit SMS, maximum message length is 160 characters.
[6] Long SMS Message Handling Default (OFF).
ON: If longer than maximum message length, it is split and sent as multiple SMS
OFF: If longer than maximum message length, a single, truncated SMS message is
[7-8] Reserved Default ( ).
SMS Retry Attempts
(Default 19)
This section determines the number of times an SMS will be resent if the message is
not delivered. Valid Entries are 00 to FF. 00 = Disabled, no SMS retry. 01 - FE = 01 to
254 attempts. FF = Use default value of 19 (25 attempts).
SMS Retry Counter
(Default 000F)
This section determines the delay period between repeated SMS delivery attempts,
programmable in seconds. The default is 15 attempts (000F). Valid Entries are 0000-
FFFF. 0000-0005 = 5 Seconds, 006 - FFFE = 6 to 65534 seconds, FFFF = Use Default
of 15 seconds (000F hex).
[311] - [318] SMS Phone Number 1 - 8
Default ( );
These Sections may be programmed through DLS IV or the keypad. Up to 8 SMS
telephone numbers (4 - 32 digits) can be programmed in Section [31x] Where x is an
SMS telephone number from 1 to 8. Leaving programming blank for a telephone
number will disable that number. The User can program their own mobile telephone
numbers at the keypad using
[*] [6] <> “SMS Programming”
. The SMS Command
and Control feature utilizes the SMS messaging service provided by the Cellular net-
work and is subject to the limitations of SMS messaging. These limitations include
delayed messages and lack of guaranteed delivery.
NOTE: SMS Command and Control (Sections [601] - [618] will only process
messages from the mobile telephone numbers programmed in this Section if SMS
Command and Control is enabled [301][ 3] ON. SMS responses are listed in Sections
[621] - [630]. A blank telephone number is disabled.
Users can send SMS text messages from their mobile phone to the communicator
cellular phone number assigned to their system. Commands are only accepted from
telephone numbers that have been programmed in Sections [311]-[318]. The system
will reject messages sent from telephone numbers that are not on the programmed
When the received SMS text matches a valid Section message, the function is per-
formed on the control panel. Text messages are not case sensitive and extra spaces
are ignored. A User Access Code may be required for some SMS messages.
The User can send just the partition number or the complete label.(e.g., “Away arm
Partition 2 1234” is treated the same as “away arm 2 1234”).