The SMS Message format is in 3 parts:
Partition Label
(or only the parti-
tion number), and
Access Code
• If an Access Code is included in the message, it is sent to the control panel for
validation, along with the requested function.
• If the panel is configured to require an Access Code and the code is not sent (or
invalid) the panel will fail the function (unsuccessful).
• If the panel fails the function, an SMS response message is sent to the user. The
SMS response will echo the command sent, followed by the label “unsuccessful”.
(e.g., “night arm partition 2 1234 unsuccessful”).
• The partition label or partition number may be excluded from the SMS request in a
single partition system (e.g., disarm 9123).
NOTE: The communicator cellular phone number can be viewed in Section [851],
[996] and/or [851], [229] or by user entering [
], then scrolling down to ‘SMS
Programming” and scrolling down to “Cellular phone No.” [<] [>] “Cellular Phone
No.” at the keypad. An Access Code is required for all SMS commands, except Help.
[601] Stay Arm
Default (Stay Arm);
Send this command to the system to stay arm. It may be followed by a Partition Label
or partition number and Access Code.
[602] Away Arm
Default (Away Arm);
Send this command to the system to away arm. It may be followed by a Partition
Label or partition number and Access Code.
[603] Night Arm
Default (Night Arm);
Send this command to the system to night arm. It may be followed by a Partition
Label or partition number and Access Code.
[604] Disarm
Default (Disarm);
Send this command to the system to disarm. It may be followed by a Partition Label
or partition number and Access Code.
[605] - [608] Activate Command Output 1 - 4
Default (Activate Command Output n);
Where n is a number from 1 - 4. Send this command to the system to activate a com-
mand output. It may be followed by a Partition Label or partition number and Access
[609] - [612] Deactivate Command Output 1 - 4
Default (Deactivate Command Output n);
Where n is a number from 1 - 4. Send this command to the system to deactivate a
command output. This command may be followed by a Partition Label or partition
number and optional Access Code.
[613] Bypass
Default (Bypass);
Send this command to the system to bypass a Zone. This command should be fol-
lowed by a Zone label or Zone number and Access Code.
[614] Unbypass
Default (Unbypass);
Send this command to the system to unbypass a Zone. This command should be fol-
lowed by the Zone label or Zone number and Access Code.