This message appears under any one of the temperature or meter pressure transducer displays in the Meter
Test Screen. If this error displays it means that the transducer’s output exceeded the “normal” limits of the
transducer’s operation. If more than one Flexible Hose is connected between the Field and Master Meters,
or if a restriction in the hose develops, etc., this message will appear. This is only an indication that a
problem may exist, not that a transducer has failed. Once this message appears, it does not go away until
the next configured test starts or until the current configured test is restarted. The test continues, and the
results are calculated using the averaged test data regardless of the appearance of the message. Refer to
Pressure Reasonability Settings in the Help Directory for additional information. Contact the factory for
assistance if necessary.
This message appears under any one of the temperature or meter pressure transducer displays in the Meter
Test Screen. This message will appear when the transducer’s value, immediately above the displayed mes-
sage, is beyond the operable limits of the individual transducer. Once the message appears it forces the ter-
mination of the current test. You must correct the condition before proper operation of the system may
resume. Contact the factory for assistance if necessary.
This message displays during the running of a test. The software monitors the data transmissions from the
Controller to the computer. If for any reason even one of these one-second interval data transmissions is
not received or is not processed properly, this message will appear in the middle of the screen. The message
will remain on the screen, through the up to 6 individual test runs, until the software clears the currently
displayed screen. The message appears and remains even if only one transmission was not processed out
of hundreds. Occasional displays of this message can be considered acceptable. The test can continue and it
should complete normally; however, Dresser recommends repeating tests where this message has appeared.
Missed data transmissions that occur during an actual test will advance the error message’s counter, while
the duration counter is incrementing. Data transmissions that occur outside of an actual test merely display
the error message but do not increment the error message’s counter. One out of 30 transmissions should
not affect the results significantly. If the error message appears frequently, the source of the problem
should be identified and corrected. Contact the factory for assistance.
Read the file named ‘System Requirements and Setup’ to insure that the proper parameters and
configuration variables are being used.
This message appears whenever the supply power’s frequency varies beyond specified limits. The warning
message goes away automatically once the problem is no longer detected by the Controller's electronic
circuitry. This problem typically appears when generators are used as the Prover's power source.