Model 5 Prover Software Manual
13. High Limit:
This configurable Pass/Fail limit is the maximum allowable deviation above
100%. For example, if the Low Limit % is set to 2.00 and the High Limit is set to 1.00, then any
test result accuracy falling between 98.00% and 101.00% will yield a ‘Test Pass’ indication, while
any test accuracy result outside these limits will yield a ‘Test Fail’ indication.
14. Span Limit
: This test limit defines the maximum allowable difference between the highest
accuracy reported and the lowest accuracy.
15. Repeats:
This number indicates a default number of tests that will be run in addition to
the original test. A selection of 0 here will result in one test, while a selection of 1 repeat will
result in 2 tests. Up to a maximum of 2 repeats.
4.2 Changing Units of Measure
Click on Prover Operations at the top of the Set Prover Options screen and select Set Units of Measurement
(<Ctrl+F4>). Change the display units for any of the factors listed by clicking on the arrow in the box below it
and selecting the desired unit.
Whatever unit of measurement that is chosen for Test
Volume will also apply to Drive Rate (the two always
have the same units of measure). The Meter Pressure
selection determines which units of measure will be used
for the Base Pressure entry field of a test configuration just
as the Temperature selection determines the units
of measure for the Base Temperature.
Once the display units have been selected, click Save at the
bottom of the window to implement the changes. To
restore the factory installed settings, click on File at the top
left of screen and select Factory Defaults (<Ctrl+F>).
4.3 Editing Passwords
From the initial startup screen, select Prover Setup from the Prover Operations drop-down menu (<Ctrl+F5>).
The factory installed Level 1 password is ROOTS, in all capital letters. From the Set
Prover Options screen that appears, select Edit Passwords from the File pull down menu (<Ctrl+E>).
The factory installed Level 2 password is DRESSER, in all capital letters.
The LEVEL 1 PASSWORD restricts access to the PROVER SETUP and UNITS OF
MEASURE screens.
The LEVEL 2 PASSWORD restricts access to the PASSWORD MENU.
and CALIBRATION screen.
Any single keyboard number or character may be used as part of a
password. The maximum total number of characters in a password is 20. The passwords are case
sensitive. A mix of capital and or lower case letters may be used to generate different passwords.
When you enter a password to gain access to a password-protected menu, you must type the
password exactly. This includes no extra key presses and no corrections. The keystrokes must match exactly
what was entered for the LEVEL 1 or the LEVEL 2 PASSWORDs at the time they were last entered in the Edit
Password window. One exception to the above rule: pressing the <ENTER> key
without first typing some other key generates a password of twenty "space" characters. When an operator
wishes to access a password protected menu, pressing the <ENTER> key once or the <SPACE BAR> twenty
times will be accepted as a correct password and allow you access to the password-protected menu. If you
forget or lose your password, Dresser ROOTS Meters & Instruments in Houston, Texas has the MASTER
Password that will allow access to any password-protected menu. Refer to 11.3 Assistance & Service