dormakaba Canada Inc. RAC5 MFC Installation Guide – PK3738 | 16
5.3 External Inputs Troubleshooting
Tamper Alarm is not activating
the premise alarm
Verify that the Tamper Alarm LED (D53) on the RAC5 MFC controller
turns on when the button is pressed. If not, verify the wiring on the
Tamper Switch
5.4 Relay Expansion Board Troubleshooting
The power for the RAC5 MFC must be turned off before connecting or disconnecting the
Relay Expansion Board.
LEDs on Relay Expansion board are normally OFF, meaning no trouble.
LEDs on the Relay Expansion
Board are ON
Verify that the ribbon cable between the RAC5 MFC controller and the
Relay Expansion Board is connected properly. If it is not connected, turn
the power off, connect the cable, and turn the power back on
Verify that the relays are not bypassed (the bypass switches SW1 and
SW3 on the Relay Expansion Board should be off
Verify that the RAC5 MFC is not in Passage Mode
Relay Expansion Board relays
do not activate
Activate the manual bypass switches SW1 and SW3 on the Relay
Expansion Board and verify that the relays are activated and the
corresponding LEDs turn on. De-activate the manual bypass
Verify that the RAC5 MFC controller is active: Heartbeat LED D46
should be blinking and the Reader LEDs (D48 and D37) are respectively
ON. If not, reset the RAC5 MFC Controller by pressing the reset switch
(SW1) or disconnect and reconnect the power.
Verify that the RAC5 MFC controller is programmed properly
Verify that the card is encoded properly
Firm Alarm does not unlock
Verify that the Fire Alarm input is connected to a Normally Closed
Verify that the Fire Alarm LED (D47) is normally on and turns off when
the Fire Alarm is present
RAC5 MFC Controller PCB
resets when relay is activated
Verify that there is no short-circuit on the locking device wiring
If a diode is installed on the locking device, verify the polarity