Page 86
Version 5.0
Doremi Labs, Inc.
18. Locate the Transport Control on your screen. If you don’t see it, select
Protools -> Display ->
Show Transport
19. Make sure “
transport = protools
” is set and that the “
” button (the one that looks like a
clock) is selected.
20. Select
Protools -> OMS Midi
. Please be sure to deselect the serial port used by Protools for
V1 control to avoid a conflict with OMS operation.
Protools will now be able to control the V1. The way it works is as followed:
You hit play in Protools
Then Protools will cue the V1 to the current play location MINUS the amount of frames
set in step 12
Next, the V1 will send LTC to your LTC-to-MTC converter
Finally, Protools will receive the MTC and start chasing this timecode
If problems persist, please consult the “Protools and V1 control” FAQ’s
Connection to the Orban AUDICY VX
1. Feed house sync to the V1 and to the reference video inputs on Audicy's timecode and digital
input modules.
2. Connect the time code out of the V1 to Audicy's time code input, You don't need to connect
Audicy's time code output.
3. Connect the RS422 port 1 of the V1 to the Audicy's RS-422 output, through the Orban
adapter cable supplied.
4. Make sure the V1 is in Chase Off mode.
5. Make sure Audicy's I/O Setup has Sync Source set to Video and your local sync rate (NTSC
or PAL). You may set this as a default.
6. Make sure Audicy's VTR Setup is set for +2 frame Timecode Delay, and normal Chase
Dynamics and Lock Criterion. You may set this as a default.
If you press Audicy's Machine Control button, the V1 will follow every move you make on the
Audicy. If you press Audicy's Chase button, it will follow every move you make on the V1. You
may switch freely between these functions during a session.
Connection to the Dyaxis II
This connection scheme is used to connect the V1 to StudioFrame, Audiofile, Audiovision, Post-
Pro, Dyaxis II, Protools 4.0 etc.
1. Feed house sync to the V1 and the DAW,
2. Connect the time code out of the V1 to the time code in of the DAW,
3. Connect the serial cable between the V1 RS422 port 1 and the DAW,
4. From the Dyaxis II software choose the following two options:
Internal Time Code on 9 Pin
Time Code on Audio Tracks