This setting can be a bit difficult to grasp, yet simple when understood. This setting of FROM and the
next setting of TO, allows a keyboard zone to be specified, essential a low note (From) and a high note (To)
that the output CV will work within. Most of the time, this will be set across the entire keyboard, with a
FROM setting of C3 (value = 000) and a TO setting of g6 (value = 127). So to define a five octave keyboard
range FROM is set to C and TO is set to c4, although there is rarely any need to restrict the range, so leaving
the default setting of FROM C3 and TO g6 is advisable.
The upper note setting for the above Note FROM setting. If you set the TO lower than the FROM,
then this has the same effect as an off position, and no data will be passed.
The next setting is SLEW, but before this, we will take a look at the different settings for different
settings of MIDI TO.
Midi To Controller defines the MIDI control to a MIDI controller or a range of controllers, which is set
with the following menu items.
The MIDI CHANNEL pages allows the MIDI channel to be assigned to control a particular output
CV. Any channel between 1 and 16 can be selected here. In the example shown, output CV number 1 is
being controlled by MIDI channel 1.
Ed i t C V 1 : O u t p u t 0 1
Fr o m : C 3
Ed i t C V 1 : O u t p u t 0 1
: g 6
Ed i t C V 1 : O u t p u t 0 1
Mi d i t o : C o n t r o l l .
Ed i t C V 1 : O u t p u t 0 1
Mi d i c h a n n e l : 0 0 1