This is the second CV routing, and is similar to CV1 functions, except that the destination options are
a little different. The MIDI To function selects which MIDI event will be assigned to control the selected
output (Output 01 in the case of the example shown here). Depending on which event is selected, determines
how many edit pages are available, as all unrelated options are suppressed to keep things clearer.
The MIDI sources available for CV2 are: Off, Controllers, Poly Aftertouch, Pitch Bend and Mono
Aftertouch. Note that CV2 cannot be controlled by notes, and adds Pitch Bender that CV1 did not have.
Midi To Controller defines the MIDI control to a MIDI controller or a range of controllers, which is set
with the following menu items.
The MIDI CHANNEL pages allows the MIDI channel to be assigned to control a particular output
CV. Any channel between 1 and 16 can be selected here. In the example shown, output CV number 1 is
being controlled by MIDI channel 1. It is apparent from this that CV1 and CV2 can be on different MIDI
channels, though most of the time to avoid confusion, it is perhaps best to have CV1 and CV2 on the same
The Scale setting has a range of 0 to 255, and sets the depth of the controller, where 0 is off and 255
is maximum. A setting of 255 can add around 10V to the output, which is likely to be excessive. Each value
setting is 41.57mV (the relevance of this figure is that it is a division of a semi-tone interval), which equates to
a value of 24 per volt, so for modulation settings, the table below is a sufficient guide.
Ed i t C V 2 : O u t p u t 0 1
Mi d i t o : x x x x x x x
Ed i t C V 2 : O u t p u t 0 1
Mi d i t o : C o n t r o l l .
Ed i t C V 2 : O u t p u t 0 1
Mi d i c h a n n e l : 0 0 1
Ed i t C V 2 : O u t p u t 0 1
Sc a l e : 1 5 0