MCV24 Basics
The MCV24 doesn’t really have any controls for operation, once it has been programmed to do a
particular function, that is exactly what it does, so once programmed, changing presets is probably the only
operation required on the MCV24. However, a full understanding of what the MCV24 will do and how to set
it up is a vital element that must be learned first. As the requirement of a MIDI to CV interface is likely to be
different for everyone, it is difficult to generate “factory” presets, as the instruments to which it is going to be
used with is an unknown factor. Assuming it is most likely to be a Doepfer A-100 system is fine, except it
would still be unknown what kind of control is needed. So, unlike most pieces of equipment, we have to start
learning the MCV24 by programming, rather than calling up a few factory presets to experiment with.
If you absolutely must try to make the MCV24 work straight away, try connecting the CV1 output to
a VCO input, and CV13 output to the Gate input, and transmit your MIDI input on channel 1, but when you
need to know why - read on.
Perhaps the first control to mention is the LCD contrast control on the rear panel, this should only need
to be set once, and if needed to be altered a small screwdriver is needed, as the control is recessed behind the
back panel. In most cases, it will be unnecessary to adjust this control anyway.
The front panel has 3 controls OUTPUT, MENU and VALUE, although these are actually dual controls
as they have a press action as well to select the item selected by them. The MENU controls which parameter
to edit, the VALUE knob is used to change the value (pressing the knob actually enters the data), and the
OUTPUT knob selects which of the 24 outputs to be edited.
In most examples shown here, Output 01 is used and shown, but the operations relate to all 24 outputs.