Sets the output level of the trigger on signal, referenced as a percentage of maximum (10.6v for outputs
13 ~ 24). So 50% would generate a 5.3V trigger. For V-Trig applications (positive gate like Doepfer A-100
and most others) use high percentage for Trigger Level on, and for S-Trig applications (like Moog) use a
Trigger On Level of 0%.
Sets the output level of the trigger off signal, referenced as a percentage of maximum (10.6v for outputs
13 ~ 24). So 50% would generate a 5.3V trigger. For V-Trig applications (positive gate like Doepfer A-100
and most others) use a Trigger Level off of 0%, and for S-Trig applications (like Moog) use a Trigger Off
Level of 100% (or suitable high level).
The Global Sync Parameter is where control over the system clock and sync parameters are set.
This sets the MIDI clock division ratio, a normal setting of 1 passes the MIDI clock unprocessed,
whilst a setting of 3, divides the clock by 3 (1/96 becomes 1/32). Range is 1 ~ 255.
Tr i g g e r : O u t p u t 0 1
Le v e l O n
V % : 1 0 0
Tr i g g e r : O u t p u t 0 1
Le v e l O f f
V % : 0 0 0
<- - - - - F>:Ou t p u t 0 1
Gl o b a l S y n c P a r .
Sy n c - C l o c k
Cl o c k T i m e : 0 0 1