MCV24 Overview
The MCV24 is a flexible MIDI to analogue interface, and any of it’s 24 outputs can be configured for
any purpose such as control voltages for VCO pitch, control voltages for any modulation destination (such as
VCF or VCA), triggers or gates. Outputs 1 to 4 are higher precision 12-bit DAC’s, whilst the rest are 8-bit
DAC’s, outputs 1 to 12 are optimised for one volt per octave scaling, but can also be set to Hertz/volt scaling
(like most Korg and Yamaha instruments). All outputs have a programmable slew control to reduce digital
quantisation inherent in a 7-bit MIDI system, in fact this slew control on the analogue side can produce a
smoother control voltage from an 8-bit converter than some 16-bit converters manage without the slew
Each CV output has programmable offset and range along with a secondary CV that is mixed with the
first one, and can be any MIDI event or controller.
24 software driven voltage controlled LFO’s each with selectable waveforms, waveshapes (including
random), MIDI syncable, output offset and rate control - one for each of the available outputs
24 software driven voltage controlled ADSR envelopes - one for each of the available outputs
24 software driven voltage controlled slew limiters for portamento or filtering quantisation.
Modulation matrix allows up to 6 patches per output, modulation of any source to any destination
Independent keying modes for each output including high note, low note, last note and poly modes
All outputs can be set for volt per octave or hertz per volt scaling
Calibration of all tuning and scaling done from the front panel - no trimmer presets to adjust
Programmable clock division from MIDI clock, plus clock inversion option
16 non-volatile memories (remembers when switched off), to suit varying system requirements.
Programmable memories can be named
Start/Stop output on front panel converts MIDI transport
5-pin DIN sync socket output on rear panel, can be programmed to any standard such as Roland (24)
, Korg (48), Linn (96) etc..