There are two CV’s per output which are mixed together, CV1 and CV2 have different options available
with some cross over, though CV1 is the only one that can be assigned notes, and CV2 is the only one that
can be assigned pitch bender for example.
The CV Parameter menu holds many pages, as this section is where most of the settings live. Pressing
the MENU knob enters the first page (actually, the page you go to is the last page before this menu was
exited, so in here, turn the knob anticlockwise until the screen as shown below is on the screen).
The MIDI To function selects which MIDI event will be assigned to control the selected output (Output
01 in the case of the example shown here). Depending on which event is selected, determines how many edit
pages are available, as all unrelated options are suppressed to keep things clearer.
The MIDI sources available for CV1 are: Off, Notes, Controllers, Poly Aftertouch and Mono Aftertouch.
No Event is basically the OFF option, this only turns off CV1, CV2 is still active. There are then no
pages to select that relate to CV1.
Note Event selects MIDI notes to be used for CV1 output. 5 additional pages of options become
available relating to notes.
<B - - - - > : O u t p u t 0 1
CV P a r a m e t e r
Ed i t C V 1 : O u t p u t 0 1
Mi d i t o : x x x x x x x x x
Ed i t C V 1 : O u t p u t 0 1
Mi d i t o : N o t e E v e n t
Ed i t C V 1 : O u t p u t 0 1
Mi d i t o : N o E v e n t > >