If the velocity has been switched on, then this parameter allows the time for the slew.
The Trigger Mode sets the destination of the key trigger, the options are:-
Trigger Mode off
The trigger (gate) can then be routed to any output CV
Triggers the internal software envelope generator
Resets the internal software LFO generator
The Trigger assign, routes the key generated trigger to any output. There are 4 simultaneous destinations,
the above example shows that the key trigger output generated from the CV routed to output 1 is going to
output 13. This is a typical setting, as it puts the keyboard CV to output 1 and the associated Gate to output
13. The options available are Off (shown as - - - - - -) or outputs 1 ~ 24.
If you route the trigger to the same output as the CV is on, such as Trigger: Output 01 to Output 01,
then the gate will be added to the key CV, making every note very high in pitch, which is unlikely to be of any
use - but you never know!
The Retrigger time sets the delay between a new note being played and the trigger being generated
(Gate output). With a setting of 000, there is no retrigger, so when playing legato style (playing new notes
before releasing others), the new note does not retrigger. At a setting of 001, which is perhaps the normal
setting, the note is re-triggered immediately, and as the value is increased (up to 127), the delay is increased,
meaning that the new note is played immediately, but the actual gate output is delayed. This of course gives a
delay between pressing a note, and the gate output signal being generated.
Ve l o c i : O u t p u t 0 1
Ve l S l e w T i m e : O f f
Tr i g g e r : O u t p u t 0 1
Mo d e : D i r e c t
Tr i g g e r : O u t p u t 0 1
>1 - - - - > : O u t p u t 1 3
Tr i g g e r : O u t p u t 0 1
Re T r i g T i m e : 0 0 1