DEVOS -- Enterprise Video System
Page 99
VoD Presentations
You can create a presentation using any existing video. This is a great way to
underscore and augment a message being delivered in a video that you created, was
created by someone else including a video downloaded from (not linked to) YouTube.
Select Presentations, Add New Presentation, then select the tab for VOD Presentation.
Enter the desired title, description, etc., similar to
creating a live presentation.
Select an existing Video on Demand and
Image collection (or upload a new
PowerPoint Image Collection).
When done, select Adjust Slide Times.
The timing editor opens and the video
starts to play. Select the desired slide at
the desired time to add it to the list, or
simply select "Next" to add slides in
presentation order.
Add as many slides as desired.
You can select the + and - button for
each inserted slide to adjust the time (use
Preview function to see result). You can
delete any slide in the timeline using the
"x" icon.
When you are done, select "Save Presentation" (be patient while it is published).