DEVOS -- Enterprise Video System
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StreamPump, is completely automatic. Just plug them in and they contact the DEVOS
and exchange information. When a viewer in a location with a slave watches a live
video, it is automatically delivered from the StreamPump rather than from the master.
Clustering allows DEVOS to scale to virtually any size. When Clustering is used,
multiple DEVOS servers automatically replicate content and automatically balance the
load between the servers in a cluster.
DEVOS supports Internet of Things (IoT) to control virtually any device that can be
controlled using IP or IR (and using SignStick2 or 3
party devices, RS232).
The DEVOS system supports full scheduling of streaming, recording, and control of 3
party devices. Scheduling allows you to start recording on the server, locally in the
encoder (Hornet, Mantis, Streamsie PC), or both, and to publish the recording to a
specified channel automatically. Scheduling allows you to control devices.
Basic Concepts
The system operates with user accounts. Each user account has certain privileges.
Among the possible privileges is "Super", which provides access to the global system
configuration features, including user setup. There is no single "Super Administrator"
account. Rather, one or more users may become a Super Administrator. This allows
you to designate an alternate user to administrator the system, especially in cases
where the primary Super Administrator is not available. You should limit the Super
Admin privilege to a small number of trusted, trained, users. Accounts can be from
your Active Directory, from the DEVOS system, or from both.
An account may be set to have only certain privileges. For example, user A may be
allowed to publish VoD only, while user B may be allowed to publish VoD and also
broadcast live video.
Each user has their own account. If a user has privileges to publish content,
create Digital Signage, create Channels, and other functions, then that content
or function is "owned" by that user and other users cannot modify it. Team
Share feature allows common control of selected content.
Active Directory
Active Directory is a Microsoft directory for Windows domains and is an
implementation of the LDAP protocol. DEVOS supports Active Directory so that users
may be automatically added to the system when they log in using their domain