Directed Electronics, Inc.
DIP Switch (SW1) Setting Guide
There are 5 selectable DIP switch settings (factory default settings shown below) on the CAN-IM
module that provide following functions:
1. Factory Ignition Locking ON/OFF - When this switch is ON (default) the CAN-IM will
configure the vehicle convenience module so that the “Lock at 15 KM/hour” feature is ON. If
this switch is OFF, the CAN-IM will configure this feature OFF in the vehicle convenience
module. If this switch is ON the security system Ignition lock feature should be turned OFF.
2. Factory Ignition Unlocking ON/OFF - When this switch is ON (default) the CAN-IM will
configure the vehicle convenience module so that the “unlock when key removed” feature is ON.
If this switch is OFF, the CAN-IM will configure this feature OFF in the vehicle convenience
module. If this switch is ON the security system Ignition unlock feature should be turned OFF.
3. Comfort Closure ON/OFF - When this switch is ON (default) the CAN-IM will provide the
comfort closure feature any time a valid pulse is detected on the ARM/LOCK input. The CAN-
IM will close all windows and doors included in the factory comfort closure feature. Comfort
closure will monitor the windows position and close all openings completely. Comfort closure
will stop immediately if a valid pulse is detected on the UNLOCK (either) input wire. If any
opening is obstructed during the comfort closure, the vehicle will automatically reverse the
window. The CAN-IM will detect this condition and retry to close any window or sunroof that
has reversed after 10 seconds. The CAN-IM will try a maximum of three times to close the
opening and then stop. Comfort closure will not occur when a valid pulse is detected on the
ARM/LOCK input when the ignition is ON.
4. Prevent Door Locking if Key left in Ignition ON/OFF - When this switch is ON (default) the
CAN-IM will not lock the doors when the ARM/LOCK input is received and the key is left in
the ignition. In addition, the CAN-IM will flash the turn signals rapidly (100 msec on 100 msec
off) for 5-seconds to notify the user. During this flashing sequence, the CAN-IM will ignore the
turn signal input. The CAN-IM will also send back the disarm/unlock command to the security
system through the ESP bus.
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