Warning Zone Response:
Lighter impacts or movement close to the vehi-
cle will generate the Warning Zone response. It consists of a warning
siren blast or beep.
: A zone is a separate input that the alarm can recognize as
unique. Each input to the system is connected to a particular zone. Two
or more inputs often share the same zone.
security & convenience expansions
Here we have listed only some of the many expansion options avail-
able. Please contact your dealer for a complete list of all the options
available to you.
Backup Battery:
The 520T keeps the system armed, triggers the alarm and
keeps the immobilization circuits active if main battery power is discon-
Power Trunk Release:
button can operate a factory power
release for the vehicle’s trunk or hatch. (An optional relay may be re-
quired.) If the factory release is not power activated, the Directed®'s
522T trunk release solenoid can often be added.
Power Window Control:
Automatic power window control is provided
with the SmartWindows system.
Remote Start System:
For the ultimate in convenience, the IntelliStart
remote start system can start your vehicle, monitor engine functions,
and power your climate control system with a push of a button! Over-
rev protection, open-hood lockout, brake pedal shutoff, and automat-
ic timer shutoff are all included.