© 2 0 0 4 d i re c t e d e l e c t ro n i c s , i n c .
adjusting the proximity sensor
It is recommended that adjustments be performed away from fluores-
cent lighting, large metal structures, or confined areas that can affect
the sensor field. The alarm will exit adjustment mode automatically 60
seconds after the last adjustment signal from the transmitter and revert
to its previous settings.
OTTEE:: You MUST exit using the ARM/DISARM button after programming to lock
in the new settings!
The proximity sensor field takes one to two minutes to settle after
entering adjustment mode, so begin adjusting the sensor within 45
seconds and adjust it slowly so it has time to settle. After two minutes
you will have a consistent field during adjustment testing. Each zone
has 32 settings that are indicated by chirps that raise and lower in fre-
quency as adjustments are made. Total adjustment time for this sensor
should be five minutes or less.
Read the following instructions thoroughly for a full understanding of
how to properly adjust this sensor.
Disarm system
Transmit Channel 16. (Press
3 times then
1 time)
The LED will turn on and the siren will chirp 1 time.
Primary (full trigger) zone adjustment has now been
Primary zone can now be adjusted.
Adjusting Primary Zone
of the remote control to increase sensitivity.