© 2 0 0 4 d i re c t e d e l e c t ro n i c s , i n c .
anti-code grabbing (ACG)
This unit features Anti-Code Grabbing (ACG) with Random Code
Encryption. This means the receiver and transmitters each use a math-
ematical formula called an algorithm to change their code each time
the transmitter is used. This technology has been developed to increase
the security of the unit. The control unit knows what the next codes
should be.
high frequency
Your system transmits and receives at 433 MHz. This provides a cleaner
spectrum with less interference and a more stable signal.
smart power up II
This security system will store its current state to non-volatile memory.
If power is lost and then reconnected the system will recall the stored
state from memory. This means if the unit is in Valet Mode and the bat-
tery is disconnected for any reason, such as servicing the car, when the
battery is reconnected the unit will still be in Valet Mode. This applies
to all states of the system including arm, disarm, and Valet Mode.