© 2 0 0 4 d i re c t e d e l e c t ro n i c s , i n c .
accessory b output
The transmitter channel programmed into this feature will activate the
accessory output.
silent mode
The transmitter channel programmed into this feature will arm/disarm
the system, but the siren will not chirp.
remote valet
The transmitter channel programmed into this feature will make the
system enter/exit valet mode.
remote start
This feature is only available with IntelliStart connected
The transmitter channel programmed into this feature will
activate or shut down the Intellistart remote start system.
window control
This feature is only available with SmartWindows connected
The transmitter channel programmed into this feature will
activate the vent or roll down feature of the SmartWindows
clear all remotes
This feature will erase all remote codes from the system
memory. This feature is convenient for erasing any transmit-
ters that have been lost, stolen, or incorrectly programmed
into the system.
After entering this feature press any button on the transmit-
ter; the siren will chirp to indicate that all transmitters have
been erased from memory.