Dinel, s.r.o. ULM–54
m – dead zone
c – maximum reach
of the device
d – distance from
tank wall
ULM–54–02; 10
d > 1/12 c (min. 200 mm)
d > 1/8 c (min. 200 mm)
• The
minimum distance
when you are install-
ing level meter into the lid or the ceiling of the
tank are listed in Fig. 2.
Fig. 3: Dead zone of the device
Fig. 4: Installation in the channel
Fig. 2: Distance of the device from the tank wall
starting point for
the measurement
the installation must be in
the middle of the channel
• When mounting in drains, the perpendicular-
ity of the level meter axis to the measured level
must be strictly observed and it is also recom
mended to install the level meter in the center
of the drain so that the level meter is as far away
from both edges of the drain as possible. Fur
thermore, it is necessary to choose the instal-
lation location so that at the maximum possible
level, this level does not interfere with the dead
zone of the level meter. If the situation allows,
it is recommended to install the level meter in
a quiet part of the drain, where the level does
not clear.
a – neck height from source edge
b – neck width
m – dead zone
Only if the maximum level in the tank gets into the dead zone, the device shall be mounted
into a higher
installation neck
. The tank can be then filled nearly up to the maximum vol
ume. The neck’s inner level shall be even and smooth (without edges and welded joints),
the inner edge should be rounded in the spot where the ultrasonic wave leaves the pipe.
Choose the largest possible neck diameter, but keep the neck height as low as possible.
The recommended dimensions of the inlet neck are listed in Fig. 5.
ULM–70–02; 06
a < 3 b
b > 100 mm
a < 1,5 b
b > 100 mm
Fig. 5: Installation of the level meter
in the installation neck