The wave files created by the WFCU will be of the same bandwidth and stereo mode that were
programmed in the SSABR G2 unit using the CDU. A standard data CD can hold up to 650
megabytes of data. This will easily hold all the wave files created from a 512 megabyte SSABR G2
unit. However, creating audio CD’s is somewhat different. This section discusses what is required to
create standard audio CD’s for use in standard CD players. Audio CD’s require that the sample rate of
the wave files be 44.1 KHz (which equates to the bandwidth setting of 20 KHz on the SSABR G2).
Audio CD’s also require the stereo mode to be stereo, not mono.
Easy CD Creator is a utility packaged with most CD-R drives and has a built in feature for
automatically converting wave files of mono mode that are recorded at bandwidths (sample rates) of 5
KHz (11,025 KHz) and 10 KHz (22,050 KHz) to 20 KHz (44.1 KHz) stereo. However, you will not be
able to edit the converted wave files to different lengths.
To use a utility like Easy CD Creator to make an audio CD, the wave files must first be converted to
the necessary sample rate and stereo mode. This conversion can be done using any standard digital
audio editing software (such as Sound Forge™, Cool Edit™, or Steinberg WaveLab™) or by relying
on the built in feature. Use digital audio editing software if you need to edit the lengths of the tracks.
Changing a track from mono to stereo will duplicate the mono channel of audio in both left and right
channels of the stereo recording. Changing the sample rate is done via a process called re-sampling.
Each audio editing software will have a different method of doing these tasks. Consult the help for
these software packages for more information. Note that the newly created files may need to be broken
into smaller files if their total size exceeds the capacity of a standard audio CD of 74 minutes.