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Latitude, Longitude, Altitude GPS, Direction GPS (TRK), Ground Speed GPS.
Wind speed and direction indicator (with GPS).
Efficiency (Glide Ratio) related to the ground (with GPS ground speed).
Direction and distance to the last thermal.
Glide calculator.
Direction, distance and height to the current Waypoint.
Direction, distance and height to the GOAL
Required efficiency (GR) to the current Waypoint.
Multiflight logger 3D recorder (flight data and GPS) with Autostart, Autostop and Playback
100.000 data points flight recorder
Over 1000 flight recorder hours with 1 data point per minute to 20 hours with 1 data point per second
Up to 250 recordable flights.
Compatible with mostly of the competition software programs.
Automatic FAI cylinder turn point and Start Pylon validation (visual and acoustic).
186 Competition Way 186 User Waypoints
12 Routes with 20 Waypoints on each Route.
Optimized navigation management with shortest task’s way indications
Controlled air spaces (CTR) management prearrangement
Optional GSM module for telephone sim
Inertial platform with 3 axis gyroscopes, accelerometers and magnetometers
Three axis Gmeter
Three axis magnetic compass
High resolution, gray scale, graphic LCD display 320x240 pixel
Upgradeable Software via internet
PC Connection
Ready for installation of the optional Pitot tube and sensor kit
Integrated Bluetooth module vx.0+EDR - SPP profile
High speed telemetry output
Input for external power supply
Integrated battery charger
Integrated rechargeable lithium battery
Battery life 30 hours
Dimensions (H x L x D) 156mm x 93mm x 19mm
Weight (with battery) 180g
The Digifly instruments are supplied with protective case, rechargeable internal lithium battery, wall adapter
charger (110-220V ca 50-60Hz) and USB cable
Three years warranty.