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from 48 to 96, reducing this value makes the vario very sensible to variations.
Filter 3, adjustable in the menu (VARIOMETER SETUP \ n. 12 FLT3), default value 0%, suggested use range
from 0% to 10%, reducing this value makes the vario very sensible to variations.
To adjust the vario’s reactivity, enter in the menu: (VARIOMETER SETUP \ n. 13 RVAR). The default value is 0.
To slow the reactivity, increase this parameter.
Indicates the instant vario values. It is displayed by the analogical bar indicator on the left of the screen, it
shows the sink or climb rate within a +/- 5 m/s range.
Shows the integrated vario values. This means an average data reading (slowed down in the time) of the
instant vario.
Can be set slowed down or immediate. Setting to the minimum the integrated vario value, the shown value
will be the same of the instant vario (factory setting).
It can be used to monitor the proceeding of the climb to see if it is getting better or worse. For example: if the
integrated vario value is higher of the instant vario one, means that previously the climb was stronger. It can
be used therefore to better core the thermal.
To change the integration time, set the parameter: (VARIOMETER SETUP \ n. 14 INTE) from 0 to 60 seconds.
It is analogically displayed on the right of the instant variometer, with a bar showing the climb or sink rate with
a range +/- 5 m/s. During the glide the gauge alternates with the “NETTOVARIO”.
The acoustic vario represents the instantaneous values of the vario with a modulated acoustic tone.
Pressing the key
(long pressure) the sound’s volume changes into three levels: “HIGH”, “OFF” & “LOW”.
The chosen volume is shown by the ‘loudspeaker’ icon on the center left of the display.
To set the sound’s threshold level to
indicate lift, go to parameter (VARIOMETER SETUP \ n. 1 V.UP), for the
sink, go to (VARIOMETER SETUP \ n. 3 V.DN).
It is possible to set the preferred acoustic profile with the parameter (VARIOMETER SETUP \ n. 4 PROF). Three
pre-set profile are available: FAS, STD, SFT, Two fully customizable profile: USR1, USR2 are available via PC
using the AirTools software; moreover, there is a new manual ‘MAN’ mode, that allows to directly customize
the instrument using the following parameters.
Style, (VARIOMETER SETUP \ n. 5 STYL) relation among sound/pause, values from 1 to 3.
Modulation, (VARIOMETER SETUP \ n. 6 MODH) increases the tone frequency from 1 to 30 Hz.
Pitch, increases ascending the tones rhythm (VARIOMETER SETUP \ n. 7 PITC) values from 1 to 4.
Climb start tone’s frequency (VARIOMETER SETUP \ n. 8 UPHZ)
Sink start tone’s frequency (VARIOMETER SETUP \ n. 9 DWHZ)
Autosilence, (VARIOMETER SETUP \ n. 19 AUTV) activates the acoustic vario only after the takeoff and stops it